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All classes are online - Below are the next set of live webinars.
Classes once registered for can be attended live or can be viewed after.
To Register for a series, click on one of the titles above. Then click the 'Start ...... Series' button and fill out the forms that follow. Once successfully registered you will receive an email confirming that. 24hrs before the class begins you will receive a link for the class.
All classes are a part of a series, currently, there are two live series - Divine Will Book of Heaven Volume 24 & The Gospel of John.
Registration will only be required once per series.
All previous classes will be available for viewing for those starting late into a series.
Please see below for Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I register for the classes?You will need to register for each series individually. Also, if a new series begins you will need to register for that too. *Registering once does not register you for other series also, registration is necessary for each series or new series to come. To register, click the link provided. For example; You would then need to click the button “Start Scripture Class Series” (button might have different wording depending on the series title) like pictured below. You will then see the “Register to enter” box where you must fill out every field and check the GDPR consent box. After all that is complete the “Register” button will turn blue and you can then click on it. The next box to open is the “Donation” form. There is a suggested donation of €10 per series. If you would like to go ahead to make a donation, fill out the details and then click “Donate and Enter”. If you would prefer not to make a donation, you can click “Skip Donation” Once you have clicked either of those two options the registration is complete. You will now receive an email to confirm that you are registered. Please notice on the emails you receive the dates and times of the webinars – you cannot view webinars that haven’t already happened yet. You can however click ‘view webinar’ for classes that are live or in the past. The link in section 1. On the image below would be the link that allows you to see all past recording and future dates of class for that series. You will receive class notification emails 24hrs and 1hr before each class that contains your personal link to the class. These links are not sharable as they are individual users only. See image below as an example.
How do I view the past recordings?To view each series and their individual classes (past & future dates) the links will be listed below. It’s recommended to bookmark the three Series links below in your browser so that you will always have the link to the classes. In the case of a missing class notification email, you can access the live class or recording through its corresponding link e.g. if you happened to not receive an email for the next webinar of Joshua, click the series link below for Joshua, scroll down and you will see the list of webinars on the Joshua series. Here the webinars displayed are both past recordings and future classes. Choose the class with the relevant date that you would like to view/attend. To bookmark a series link, click a link to open it in your browser. There you can bookmark the Series in your browser to keep for future reference. You will need to do this for each of the series you have registered for. The links to bookmark are as follows – The book of Joshua Series - The Divine Will Book of Heaven Volume 20 Series - The Divine Will Book of Heaven Volume 30 Series - See image below as an example.
How do I find the notes for the Scripture classes?Notes on class will only be available some time after the class once they have been finalized. Once they are ready, they can be downloaded from:
How do I enlarge the text?To enlarge the text during the class, when using a laptop ensure to use ‘Fullscreen’ mode. See image below. When using a mobile or tablet the text can be enlarged by using your fingers to expand the screen. See image below as an example.
How do donations work?Donations are used for the upkeep and maintenance of our webinars and website. Donations are a one-off payment that is securely made through Stripe. If you have made donations for all three series, three separate transactions will show on your bank statement. Donations are only suggested for each series not individual class. Donations may show up on your bank statement using the name Stripe. We will never request money or money can not be taken from personal bank accounts. Should you have any queries or issues with donation payments please contact us directly to resolve your issue Donations can also be made through the website.
Why am I not receiving any emails?If you happen to not be receiving emails, firstly make sure to check that emails aren’t in your ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folder or if using Gmail in your ‘promotions’ tab. You should also try adding to your "allow list" in your email settings. If you are still having issues contact us at
Why am I having a problem viewing the live classes?If you have having issues viewing the live class, like the connection gets interrupted, the picture or sound is having issues, please make sure your system requirements are correct as these can be the cause of most issues; System Requirements: · Browser: Chrome or Firefox (Up to date) · Internet: Consistent, high-speed, 10Mbps+ · Firewalls: None that block webinars · Video Apps: None open (e.g., Skype)
Why is my link not working?Make sure you are logged in at the correct date & time for your timezone. You can log into a class 30mins before the start time, here you will be put into the 'waiting room' until the class goes live.
Can I download the classes?Classes cannot be downloaded but all registrants can watch classes in their own time and repeatedly.
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