Elijah the Prophet
God sends us great saints in times of great spiritual need so that they will awaken us to the presence of God again. Elijah was sent to Israel at a time of great spiritual darkness due to apostasy, idolatry, immorality and secularism. He walked in extraordinary union with God.
He is a model for all those who live a spiritual life in a secular world. For those who live in secularised Europe Elijah will give hope and joy that you can touch the living God authentically, and bring the true Faith and the reign of Christ back to these spiritually desolate lands.
Additional info
*All of these recordings are made to a live audience, therefore there may be some background noises that can't be removed.
**This product is copyright of France Hogan, and is available for non-commerical use only, not to be shared or uploaded on the internet. For educational purposes, please contact info@franceshogan.com for more information.
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